Contact Person : Bruce Chick 0276222228
If you would like to get involved with the building of this fantastic project in anyway please contact Bruce.
The Pikikirunga is now open!! 18/12/24
If you are riding the Pikikuranga please park at the Takaka Hill Walkway car park (see map below) and ride SH60 400 Meters to the start of the track. Also note parking is not permitted at Horseshoe Bend. Please take care while riding on the Highway and crossing to the other side of the road. If there are any traffic incidents or near misses between cars and bikes please report them to 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49) and advise GBMTBC on email
Are you passionate about mountain biking and community, with proven experience writing successful fundraising applications? Golden Bay Mountain Bike club are looking for someone with experience in this area to volunteer their time to write funding applications. Become part of a buzzing club who are building an amazing mountain bike scene right here in Golden Bay.
Call Bruce for a chat 027 622 2228
The Takaka Hill is an iconic road in the South Island of New Zealand. State Highway 60 reaches 791 meters above sea level. For local mountain bikers it has always been the Holy Grail, to create a mountain bike ride from the top of this famous New Zealand hill, all the way to the bottom on the Takaka valley side. The potential is huge. The concept is to realize that dream and create a truly iconic classic mountain bike experience that every mountain biker in New Zealand will need to ride. As the descent is 650 meters over some 8km we will build the track in three stages that join together to descend the whole hill. This approach will allow us to more effectively manage this large project, we can build and open each stage whilst we are planning for the next one. The Pikikirunga track will be a grade 3, descending, all-weather mountain bike single track that will allow a greater number of abilities to enjoy this epic 8 km descent.
The Pikikirunga TrAil
Stage One: A 3km section running Northwest from the Takaka Hill Saddle (Golden Bay side) and finishing 300m west of the highway. The route passes through the Takaka Hill Scenic Reserve for its whole length. The reserve is managed by the Department of Conservation. The Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club has been granted permission to build the track by the Department of Conservation and signed a community agreement to that effect on 15th December 2020.
The track design and build brief
As the Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club aims to build an iconic track, we will be building a high quality and long-lasting robust footprint, inclusive of a variety of natural playful features. The line would aim to maximize the distance for fall and keep into the gradient of 6-8 degrees specified for grade 3 descending tracks in the New Zealand Mountain Bike Trail Design & amp; Construction Guidelines. This document was co-written by DOC and has their approval. The Takaka Hill is in a high rainfall area averaging 2000mm per year, so we see water management and surface as key design parameters. Across the length of the trail, we have a mix of soil and rock surfaces so speed and cost of track construction will vary as we progress. A higher quality build will enable us to mitigate a large ongoing maintenance schedule.
Community benefits
We see huge community benefits from this project. Golden Bay is already a mountain biking destination with the start of the Heaphy Track and the Classic Rameka Track. DOC figures show 2500 people riding the Heaphy Track annually and 3500 go through the Rameka Track. There is also heavy day use of all the Rameka Valley trails by locals, visitors both national and international riders. The Pikikirunga Trail will certainly add to that reputation. It’s accessibility and easier grading will make it very popular. There has been a huge surge in the popularity of cycling and demand for mountain biking has never been higher. We have also identified a need for a new middle grade track within the Bay. Of the 22 tracks totalling 71.4 km only 5, covering 14.5 km are Grade 3 or lower. No new track has been built on public owned land for over 8 years. Hence the need for a new grade 3 track to provide more options for an average rider. The track will also open up the Takaka Hill Scenic Reserve to other users and we believe that it will also be popular with walkers. The Takaka Hill Reserve is a large area of regenerating bush that contains a lot of noxious weeds. Pest management of the area, both mammal and flora, will benefit greatly from the increased accessibility the tracks provide. Members of our group will be setting traps on the track as we proceed.
This is obviously a major project, which is why the Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club has split it into 3 distinct stages. Each of the stages will have a separate funding model and we are now funding for Stage One. This approach means we can keep the project as a whole, moving forward, while we complete each stage as funds are available. This includes applying to external funding bodies of which the Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club has had great past success. The Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club also has some funds available through its own fundraising events and a huge pool of volunteer hours. Apart from our core team that have already spent over 300 Hours marking the initial line, we have had volunteers assisting on a daily basis and several very well attended working bees demonstrating the desire of the community to be involved. This will also enable us to bridge any short fall in funds by using volunteers to finish the track by hand if required.
There is a large number of variables to consider when budgeting mountain bike track building. These include, Vegetation, topography, soil type, rock strata, rainfall, track grade. Lower Grade tracks have to be wider and longer and therefore are more expensive to build, relying more on small footprint diggers to move the greater volume of material. However, costs can be mitigated with the clever route selection and the use of skilled volunteer labour. This can be made up with paid or equivalent value of volunteer hours. The Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club has currently contributed 350 hours of volunteer labour to route finding, basic route marking and clearing, and project management. We have contributed a further 600 hrs. of hands-on volunteer labour during construction of the initial 1.1km of track in 2023. This project can be fully funded and will create much needed jobs for the Bay or part funded with the difference being supplied by volunteer man hours provided by GBMTBC members.
The Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club is a registered charity and has a strong record of trail maintenance and development. The GBMTBC has built over 30 km of mountain bike trails over the last 12 years and currently helps maintain over 50 km of track. In partnership with DOC, it has created the Canaan Downs trails and currently has a Memorandum of understanding with DOC to work in partnership to maintain and develop these. Through fund raising and volunteer labour it has created a network of trails in the Rameka Valley, which link the Rameka Track to Project Rameka’s trail network and down the valley to Takaka – one of the longest sections of downhill single track in New Zealand. In 2010 the GBMTBC Secured $26,000 from the Canterbury trust to build the Gold Creek family loop Track in Canaan Down Scenic reserve. The GBMTBC still helps DOC maintain this track through yearly volunteer hours. In 2014, the GBMTBC secured funding from the Community Conservation Partnership Fund for $66,000 for a three-year project of remediation work on the Kill Devil Track in the Kahurangi National Park. This project was completed successfully ahead of schedule and under budget. We have recently signed a change in the deed of grant so we can use the remaining funds to push the remediation work through to the Waingaro Forks Hut. In 2019 the GBMTBC secured $26,000 from Back Country Trails Trust for a complete rebuild of the Canaan Loop track. Once again, this project was successful with the club contributing 1/3 of the labour, and $4000 of extra funding to extend the project. The GBMTBC has members with the technical expertise and experience to complete these projects. We have two club members who are skilled and experienced in use of a digger for track building. Club members have been involved in the following projects: Kaiteriteri Mountain Bike Park, Gold Creek Loop, Canaan Downs, Canaan Loop, Rameka Pack Track, Historic Rameka Track, Rameka Pack Track, One and Two Klicks, Motupipi Hill Bike Park, Kill Devil Track.
Current position
The route for Stage One has been marked and a GPS walk through has been completed. In December 2020 the GBMTBC signed a community agreement with DOC to construct and maintain tracks on Takaka Hill Scenic Reserve. On 19 th January 2021 the GBMTBC walked the route of Stage One with Andrew Lamenson from DOC. DOC have since approved the route. Work on Stage One commenced on 23 rd January 2021 and ran for 7 days. It then continued in January and February of 2023. The work was carried out by KP contracting, a local experienced digger operator with support from GBMTBC volunteers. 1.1km of track has been fully finished. The high number of volunteer hours demonstrates how the build cost per meter can be reduced with volunteers from the GBMTBC. Which means that with the use of club members time we can get much further for the same donation towards the build.
The Stake Holders
Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club. Project managers. Department of Conservation. Statutory managers of Takaka Hill Scenic Reserve. (Approval granted to build stage one and Two through the Takaka Hill Scenic Reserve, and Community agreement signed to that effect.) Mana whenua Ki Mohua. Local custodians. (Letter of support for the project). Other interested parties: Takaka Forest and Bird. (Letter of support for the project). Takaka Hill Biodiversity group. (Information on route and progress shared)