Killdevil latest

The Club pulled the digger off the Kill Devil on Wednesday afternoon having gone as far up as we could before the track became to narrow. We ended up a few bends above the slip  before attaching the scrap would have been required to move higher. To go any higher will involve a helicopter lifting a digger now.
After our work the track is probably looking a bit over groomed now to the purest but will revert back to a rougher state with weather and riding. Some of the work on the corners slightly altered the flavour but needed to be done to move the digger up to do the water turnouts that we went up to do. Someone made the comment that by the time one had descended down to the lower sections it was nicer to have a less rugged track.
Brian A, Karl Thompson and Brian Sowman are keen to do more up there before Xmas, if the Club can get a digger.
Looks like every helicopter shift of the digger with 3 or 4 days work will cost about $5000. We should have enough money to pay for this out of the first year grant. To do a second helicopter shift could mean the club cashflowing it until the next lot of grant money comes in. That is not due until April. But all in all, looking good, and on schedule.



Longest Day Club Ride
