Welcome to Membership with Hivepass
We are now using Hivepass for membership!
To become a member of Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club is now via Hivepass, and it’s super easy and it will only take a couple of minutes to sign up using your smart phone. If you don't have a smartphone, you can sign up online on any device https://join.hivepass.app/gbmtbc
If you are unable to use a smart phone or device to sign up please email us on gbmountainbikeclub@gmail.com
Here’s How it Works
1: Download Hivepass for free here: https://join.hivepass.app
2: Open the app and enter your name and email address, set a password and select ‘Create Account'
NOTE: If you already belong to another organisation that uses Hivepass, when you enter your email address, Hivepass with recognise you and you just need to log in and then select ‘join other organisations’ from the side menu.
3: Select your membership package. (If you’re signing up the whole family, have their details ready).
4: Enter your personal details and membership type. You can add a donation at this stage too if you like🤘
5: Pay securely using a credit or debit card
6: Just like that, you’re a member of GBMTBC and you can start enjoying all of the benefits that brings.
7: If you’re riding in an area that requires a permit, simply show the digital membership card screen to show that you’re an active club member.