Project Rameka

Just letting you all know what's going on at Project Rameka. The AGM is on Weds 6 May, 5.30pm at The Brigand cafe/bar, Commercial St, Takaka. If anyone is interested , you'd be most welcome to come along. You might be pleasantly surprised to hear how much progress in track building and tree planting has happened on the Project Rameka block over the last year. There's already almost 2km of track to ride there, still an in-and-out ride at the moment but by this time next year there's likely to be a link to further down the Rameka Road. The Project is going to be a great addition to the Rameka track experience - great single track that avoids most of the shingle road. There'll be other more technical tracks built in the future as well, once this one is finished. If you want to be able to say you helped build tracks that you're going to love riding, there's another working bee happening on the block on Sunday May 10, 10am start. If you want more info, contact Marie or Martin at The Quiet Revolution Cycle Shop.

Away from the bay
