Latest news from the Bay

Sounds like the girls had a great ride up at Canaan downs. Not content with 2 trips round the tracks, they decided to come down the Rameka, finishing at dusk. Well done Mandy, Melanie, Kerry and Nic.

Club ride round Gibbs hill on the 14th of June was great. 16 riders turned up in perfect sunny conditions, fantastic views over the bay. We behaved ourselves when we met walkers, even splitting into smaller groups on the DOC track. This was the first club ride in the Abel Tasman park since it has been legalised. Awesome. Lets do it again.....

Workshop run by Chris Mildon on Wednesday the 10th of June talk on bike fit and positioning. 12 people turned up with bikes for a great lesson in fitting your bike to your shape and size. Chris used a plumb bob, spirit level, and a wooden angle. Wonderful workshop, we will have him back.

Info Pete 03 525 6086

The way forward?


Away from the bay