FAO all cyclists...

Just before Christmas, the TDC Newsline magazine reported that speed limit changes are finally to be considered by the Engineering Committee.

It is very important that we support these rational reductions proposed by TDC to speed limits on our narrow, heavily used roads.

Submissions can be emailed to: robin.scherer@tasman.govt.nz

Submissions close on 1 February.

Here are the details:

Proposed speed limit changes
Various local roads across Tasman district
Tasman District Council wishes to inform the public of proposed changes to a number of speed limits on various local roads across the district. These changes will require the Council to amend its current Consolidated Bylaw – Chapter 4 “Speed Limits Bylaw 2004”.

Under Section 86 of the Local Government Act 2002, Council is required to publicly notify any changes proposed to a Bylaw, enabling interested parties to comment.

Council recently reviewed the speed limits on local roads in line with the Land Transport Rule Setting of Speed Limits 2003.

Maps showing the existing speed limits and proposed changes are available for perusal at Council’s Service Centres and Libraries in
Richmond, Motueka, Takaka and Murchison.

The following schedule sets out both the proposed changes and where no change is proposed.

Ruataniwha Drive & McDonald Place
Existing Speed Limit 100 kph
Proposed Speed Limit 50 kph
Extend out the Urban Traffic Area with a permanent speed limit of 50 kph to encompass Ruataniwha Drive and McDonald Place.
Haven Road
Existing Speed Limit 70
Proposed Speed Limit 50
Extend out the Urban Traffic Area with a permanent speed limit of 50 kph in a westerly direction along Haven Road to a point
measured approximately 400 metres west of the intersection of Tasman and Elizabeth Streets and revoke the existing 70 kph
permanent speed limit.

PARAPARA - Map No. 22
Parapara Beach, Bishop, Pryor and Parapara Esplanade Roads
Existing Speed Limit 70 kph
Proposed Speed Limit 50 kph
Create an Urban Traffic Area encompassing all of the said roads with a permanent 50 kph speed limit and revoke the existing permanent 70 kph speed limit and 50 kph Holiday speed limit which currently apply.

Patons Rock Road
Existing Speed Limit 100 kph
Proposed Speed Limit 50 kph
Extend out the Urban Traffic Area with a permanent speed limit of 50 kph along Paton Rock Road in a southwesterly direction towards SH60 to a point measured approximately 200 metres southwest of Battery Road.

Abel Tasman Drive (Takaka to Motupipi)
Existing Speed Limit 100 kph
Proposed Speed Limit 80 kph
Extend out the existing 80 kph speed limit at Three Oaks to the start of the existing 70 kph speed limit at the settlement of Motupipi.

Abel Tasman Drive (Motupipi to Pohara)
Existing Speed Limit 100 kph
Proposed Speed Limit 80 kph
Put in place an 80 kph speed limit extending from the northern end of the existing 70 kph speed limit at the settlement of
Motupipi to the start of the 50 kph speed limit at Pohara.

Reece & Dafydd DH pics


Christmas party