Feb 12th Rameka Working Bee TBC:
To be confirmed: It will involve some vegatation clearing from off the side off the tracks and drainage control to halt erosion in some areas.I would expect most off the Club members have riden the Rameka,so would be great to see a good turnout.
Contact Brent 525 7373
Contact Brent 525 7373
Feb 15th - Bike Wise Breakfast
Support bike wise week and bike to work or school on Wednesday the 15th of Feb and detour by The Quiet Revolution Bike Shop for breakfast on the way from 7:30am. Dave Myall and GBMTBC will be set up outside the Quiet Revolution Bike Shop.
Feb 25th/26th - Kaiteriteri Club Ride:
OK, the time has come to kick start 2012 with some wicked club rides, watch this space as the plan is to get at least one club ride happening every 2 months...
First up: Kaiteriteri MTB Park - Saturday & Sunday 25th/26th Feb.
Come and check out the new tracks .... See what Karl has been up to! We have had a wee looksy - awesome! Rides for all levels available - organise yourselves when over there. Enjoy not only the biking but also the beach and hanging out with fellow GBMTB club folk.
- BYO everything. Share pot luck dinner Saturday night.
- Stay at Bethany Park ( more low key campground at back of estuary). Phone for accommodation booking 03 527 8014. Big Family February camping rates from $20 per family! Some cabins available if you don't want to camp.
Postponed if weather forecast looking too foul. Contact Kerry 525 7571 if you have questions or need to co-ordinate transport otherwise see you there with a big grin on! Families are especially encouraged to come... Lets get these kids out having fun.
April 1st - Jennian Homes Mystery Bikeride
The Jennian Homes Mystery Bikeride is only two months away. Put it in your diary for the 1st of April! It is shaping up to be a great mystery ride again and we would love all members to be involved as riders, marshals, jokers, tea ladies, or ?, or a combination of.
On the 21st of April Peak Safety (a Rotorua based company) will be in the bay running a Refresher (as required every two years) "Emergency Outdoor 1st Aid Course" with a focus on bike related injuries.
If you haven't already done this course previously or any 1st aid course you CAN still join this one but it will entail doing a small pre-course assignment. It really is a great course, run by awesome instructors and will be mostly done in the outdoors rather than classroom based. If anyone would like to join this course please contact John at or ph 5258783 asap so we can get a feel for numbers.
Club Rides Coming Up....
- April: Aorere Goldfields. Including a walk to see the newly refurbished stamper battery. Date and details to be confirmed. Contact JT for more info.
- Late June/Early July: Heaphy track.
YEHAA! Details to be confirmed. Contact Brian Alder for more info.
Introducing GBMTBC Committee:
PRESIDENT: Rob Dawson.
TRACKS OFFICER: Brent Hartshorne
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: John Taylor, Brian Sowman
NEWSLETTERS: Mandy Richards (Non-committee)