Heaphy Track update

If you're thinking of riding the Heaphy soon, you may want to read this first. Notice from the DoC web site


Alert/Important notice
July 16 2012 - damage to Lewis Bridge

The Lewis river bridge (10 minutes walk from the Lewis Hut when heading West toward the Heaphy Hut) has suffered substantial damage from high flood water and is no longer operable. The bridge will be out of operation for the forthcoming season until a new bridge can be constructed.

The Lewis River is able to be forded between marked signs when the river level is low. Any trampers or cyclists attempting to undertake the river crossing should ensure that they are competent in river crossings and have adequately assessed the depth of the water before they cross.

Other areas of the track have suffered minor/moderate damage, including:

A 1.5 metre deep gully across the track on the lower section of Mackay hill, 20 minutes above the Lewis Hut.
Washed out track surface along the Heaphy Valley track, either side of the Murray river crossing.
Minor slips along the Heaphy coastal section between the Wekakura and Crayfish Point.
DOC staff are working to resolve the above issues as quickly as possible and we request that track users bear with us whilst these repairs are made. Signage and warning tape are in place to warn track users of the damaged sections.



Secondary School mtb Champs