Newsletter 8th May


Heaphy - Is now open. Some minor debris on track, some delays possible between Brown Hut and Perry Saddle.

Rameka TrackClosed for now while DoC remove some massive windfall.
* A big thanks from DoC to those who instigated an initial work party to clear debris.
Brian Sowman, Brian Alder, Brent Hartshorne, Sam Knowles.

Pack Track - Cleared and good to ride

Klicks - Cleared and good to ride
*We listen to feedback! 
(Try the new Beginners jump in One Klick!)

Killdevil - Good to Ride to Riordans Hut (section to Waingaro forks may have windfall)

Gibbs Hill - All good from the Car Park end. Some work being done to clear bush section at saddle.
* Mark Allinson, Brian S, and Rob D, heading up to help clear windfall on bush section on Saturday morning. Phone Rob if you want to lend a hand. 0212603216

Working Bees

Saturday 17th May - Project Rameka
Repairing storm damage on Great Expectations - root balls/ fallen trees
Meet at totara tree @ 12.30..
Bring a digging/ cutting tool, rakes, gardening gloves
Car pool to work site - afternoon tea provided...

Bunch Ride (fortnightly)
Sunday 18th May - 9.30am
Meet Takaka info centre - All abilities welcome
Coffee stop guaranteed!


