SUMMER SERIES 2018 – 2018

Get those pedals turning because for the first time the club is holding a ‘Summer Series’ of cross country races.

This will consist of four races open to all current financial members of GBMBC only….Yes, no whippets from Nelson invited!!

No time for thinking about doing it…just start training!! The first round will be held on Tuesday the 18th of December!

The competition is a four race format with points awarded for your place in each race. (Up to tenth place) IE: 1st place = 10points, 2nd = 9, 3rd = 8, 4th = 7…..all the way down to 10th = 1.

The person who accumulates the most points by the end of the series wins. (You don’t necessarily have to compete in all four races to win or get a place…if you’re really good!)

ROUND 1) Tuesday December 18th. Racing starts at 5.30pm.

Enter on the day.

Motupipi Hill. Start / finish at Hurst’s Quarry off of Abel Tasman Drive. Turn in left just beside #453. (Just past Motupipi School….I’ll put a ‘GBMBC’ sign out)

This will be a multi lap race with each lap being approximately 6km.

ROUND 2) Tuesday January 22nd. Racing starts at 5.30pm. Enter on the day.

The Clicks. Start / Finish at the Totara Tree Car Park.

This will be a multi lap race. (Distance not measured yet)

ROUND 3) Tuesday February 19th. Racing starts at 5.30pm. Enter on the day.

Location….watch this space!!

ROUND 4) Tuesday March 19th. Racing starts at 5.30pm. Enter on the day.

Location….watch this space!!

CATEGORIES Junior Boys, Junior Girls. 13 Years and below. Intermediate Men, Intermediate Women. 14yrs – 17yrs. Open Men’s, Open Women’s. 18yrs – 44yrs. Vet Men, Vet Women. 45 and over.

Trophies for each category winner. (Held for a year) Medals for top three in each category. (Keepers)

ENTRY FEES (Per race) Junior and Intermediate Grades, $2.00. Open and Vets, $5.00 All entry fees for Motupipi Hill go to the landowners for track maintenance.

ENQUIRIES Contact Bruce on 021 1915714.


And the results are in!


Weekly Wednesday digs