The Roller-coaster
Last weekend saw a few of us get stuck in to the Roller-coaster section of the Main loop up at Canaan. A long overdue reboot to the end section of the Canaan Main loop. See pics below.  More photos on the Club Facebook page. (You don't have to be on Facebook) just google Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club on Facebook!

Saturday 12th April - Canaan Club Ride
Meet at the i-site car park for car pooling at 9am.  Reconvene at 10am at the Woolshed cafe for coffee.  Canaan Main loop ride. 2-3 hours including lunch.  Bring Lunch, a fleece and a waterproof (just incase) and experience the new Rollercoaster finish.
If you haven't done it before, think back Country cross Country on your doorstep!
Rob 035257173 / 0212603216

CONTACT DAPHNE 021 130 6655

Watch this space!

Hi folks, the committee would like to ask those who have not yet paid their 2013/14 membership fees to the club that these are past due.
Fees are $5 for kids still at school, $25 for adults and $50 for a family.
This can be paid straight into our account 03 1354 0286557 000 or payment to GB Mountain Bike club c/o Kim Johnston, 475 Abel Tasman Drive, Takaka.  Kim:027 525 6051

The track down from Birds Clearing can be used again. It is not the same as previously so please contact Brucey T for directions.  The farm is now leased by David Jacobsen. He is happy for bikers to go through but not during lambing.  Bruce Richmond is happy for us to come out through his place too.  People can ring me if they want a description of the new route.  Bruce Telford:  021 191 5714.

Codgers MTB Park, Brook Street, Nelson. 4 stage event, EWS format. NZ Crown silver status. Chris Mildon 021 2309120

Kaiteriteri MTB Park. Wayne Pool 0275313280 


GBMTBC WORKING BEES From now on the THIRD SUNDAY of every month.  Contact Brent: 027 280 9439. 

The latest edition of the Nelson/ Tasman Mountain Bike Tracks by Steve Newport & the MTB Buddies. Includes updated info. $25 for members from Brian Alder.03 525

The GBMTBC Committee:
PRESIDENT: Rob Dawson.
TRACKS OFFICER: Brent Hartshorne
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mark Godden, Brian Sowman, Brian Alder, Bruce Telford, Rahi
NEWSLETTERS: Mandy Richards (Non-committee)
Follow the Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club Blog
also now on Facebook.....
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Rollercoaster Facelift

Three days up at Canaan has given us the chance to spend a bit of time giving the Rollercoaster section of the Main Loop a bit of a facelift. Less grunt, more flow is the buzzword, on this section now. Hopefully we will be slowly working our way round the other bits. No excuse to not do this bit anymore!!
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The Milk & Honey

Hi everyone,
The Milk and Honey 2013 registration is now open! So for those of you who want to chase that time from last year or just love the coolest race around, now is the time to enter and start training.
This year’s race is on Sunday 27th October, Labour weekend and is once again part of the Nelson Cycle Festival.  So what’s new for this year?
·      We’re basing ourselves right in town with a village green start and finish. We’ll be putting up a small marque with a bit of entertainment for the wait between finishing the race and prize giving
·      We’re introducing two new elements to the road leg. A sprint for a time bonus on the Takaka valley section. A King of the mountain prize for the first person to the summit of the Takaka hill.
·      Sections of the downhill have had a make over. Karl Thompson the man who gave you Corkscrew at kaiteriteri has just been through the pack track with a digger burming up those corners to make fast and flowing. One and two Klick have also had work down with some cool technical riding to keep you on your toes to the end.  
·      More sponsors and more spot prizes.  We’re happy to have Cactus back onboard this year with some great spot prizes. We welcome Roam industries, who are donating a rather tasty spot prize, Thanks.
·      More riders. Word is out.
You can enter online the same as last year by going to our website and completing the registration form. Payment will be by direct credit to our bank account once again.
See you on Race day.
The Milk & Honey Race team.

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Membership renewal 2013/14

Your Club membership is up for renewal we hope to have your continued Support for this coming year. 
Junior Membership $5 (kids still at school)
Senior Membership $25 
Family Membership $50 (includes 2 adults and up to 5 kids in the same family).

The Benefits of membership
  • The club runs monthly club rides.
  • The club runs regular track building/maintenance days for the benefit of all. 
  • The club will pursue local access issues.
  • The club organizes social events, including workshops and talks. 
  • 10 % discount at local bike shops.
  • Access to private land that the club has gained permission for member’s to ride on. 
  • Your payment includes an affiliation fee paid to Mountain Biking New Zealand (MBNZ) currently $4 per person. This is used to promote a voice for mountain bikers and champion other issues of interest to us such as land. This also gives us public liability insurance for club events.
  Queries to Club Treasurer Kim 525 6051 or e mail
Please fill in this section and return with payment to:
Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club, 
C/– Kim Johnston, 475 Abel Tasman Drive, Takaka, 7183 or email

Direct payment to bank at 03 1354 0286557 000 please include your name as reference.
Cheques payable to Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club.
Membership forms and payment can also be dropped off at the Quiet Revolution and Escape bikes.

Name/s.....................................................................................................……….. ……………….
Email Address (print clearly)..........................................................................……. 
If you don’t want to receive information by email tick here: …………..                                    
Home Phone.............................................. Cell Phone.................................……….. 
Date of Birth......................…………. (Required for junior membership only) 

For office use only:
Date Paid........................ Receipt #.......................... Amount $................................
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A Bridge too far...

Dear The Golden Bay Mountain Bike Club

Pohara to Takaka Cycleway Update

First, a big thank you for all your submissions. It’s really buoying to read some wonderful and heart-felt words in favour of our project.
We received a total of 205 submissions, of which 159 were in support, 43 opposing, 2 neutral and 1 mixed.
Our plan at this point was to proceed to a hearing.  TDC gave us an estimate for the cost of the hearing - this was between $65K and $94K. To date we have paid them just over $10K for work done so far. They require a $60K deposit before we can proceed to the hearing. This is well beyond the amount of money we can raise easily.
However another issue has intervened.
The route is partly on TDC land and partly on Crown land. Crown land is managed by LINZ, and they do not allow private groups to build structures on Crown land; instead they require the structures to be owned by an organisation such as TDC, and for TDC to (amongst other things) guarantee that they will maintain the structures.
We first came across this issue with the cycle track / boardwalk we built south from Paynes Ford. TDC was most helpful and agreed to take over ownership of the boardwalk and sign the agreement with LINZ.
We had an informal discussion with TDC’s Community Services Manager in early 2012 and he indicated that there should be no problem with TDC doing a similar thing for our planned route down the Motupipi sandspit.
In December 2012 we officially requested TDC permission for us to:
·         build a boardwalk on TDC land beside the Golf Course
·         build the bridge, one side of which will be on TDC land
·         for TDC to take over ownership of the bridge and agree to maintain it, as per LINZ’s requirement
We cannot build our cycleway unless TDC agrees to all these requests.
TDC staff recommended to Council that all three requests be declined.
This was discussed at a meeting of the full Council on 27th June 2013. At this meeting the council:
·         declined to take over ownership of the cycleway and bridge
·         declined to maintain  the cycleway and bridge
·         declined to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with LINZ
·         agreed to review these decisions including request to occupy council land when the outcome of the resource  consent application is known
The reason given was that TDC was not prepared to accept the costs of maintaining the track and bridge.
As a result we have no choice but to abandon our project. With great regret.
So endeth a brave and hopeful attempt by a private group to build a cycleway on public land. It seems that, in the Tasman District at least, this is a very difficult thing to do. If we wish to have cycleways in Golden Bay we will have no choice but to lobby TDC to build them, at obvious cost to the ratepayer.

So how much would this have cost TDC?

TDC staff estimated that the costs for maintaining the bridge and boardwalk will be about $20K per year.
This is comprised of:
·         $10,000 for 5 engineering inspections of the bridge. The cost of $2000 per inspection is likely to be based on 2 days of engineer’s time per inspection.
·         $2,500 - $3,000 for general maintenance of the track including litter removal and the clearing of encroaching vegetation. Note that we offered for members of the Society to do this task for free.
·         $3,500 - $4,000 for “cleaning the surface of the boardwalk”, re-fixing any loose nails/boards etc.
·         in addition there will be costs associated with inspecting the boardwalk plus maintenance costs for the bridge. TDC have no cost estimates for these.
While these figures can be debated, $20K is not a lot of money for maintenance of what will be a well-used community asset.
In addition there will be some other costs:
·         $130K every 15-25 years for recoating of the bridge steelwork (our estimate). The bridge will be constructed in 2014 at the earliest, so this cost will not be required until 2029 at the earliest.
·         $95K to renew the Resource Consent “the timing of which will depend on the timeframe given to the current consent application”.
The Resource Consent will only have to be “renewed” if we are granted a Resource Consent, and we do not commence work until after it has expired. This will not happen. For the TDC staff to imply that this is a cost that will be incurred is very misleading.

Abel Tasman Drive Route

A cycleway beside Abel Tasman Drive is in TDC Transportation Plan. It has an estimated cost of $1.2 million (uninflated 2011 cost).
Planning work for this cycleway was started in 2009; however this was halted in 2011 and removed from the long term plan.
TDC have reiterated that they intend to build this, but with every successive year it has been put back a further year:
·         in 2011 TDC said that work will re-commence on this in 2022 at the earliest
·         in 2012 TDC said that work will re-commence on this in 2023 at the earliest
·         in 2013 TDC said that work will re-commence on this in 2024 at the earliest
Clearly, TDC have demonstrated little commitment to this.
If residents of eastern Golden Bay wish to have a safe cycle route to Takaka their only option is to lobby TDC to bring the date for this forward. It will not happen unless this is done.
We will be having our AGM in August; this will be an opportunity for this issue to be discussed fully.
So, once again, a huge thank you for the support you have given us. It’s certainly not the end of our group; we have plans for other cycle/walkways which we will continue with. The first being the continuation of the Paynes Ford to East Takaka section.
On behalf of the hard working committee,
Wouter de Maat
Golden Bay Cycle and Walkways Society Inc
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