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Pack Track Working Bee

  • Pack Track Working Bee 126 Rameka Creek Rd Takaka, Tasman, 7183 New Zealand (map)

Sunday 31st May - Please come and help out on a working bee on the Pack Track and Lower Rameka.. We would like to trim back the gorse and grass on the lower Rameka and over hanging vegetation on the Pack Track. Would be nice to have a couple of scrub bars for the Rameka and a person to rake or lop off branches on that section and one or two to walk up the Pack Track.If you can make it could you give me a ring or TXT? 0274 454 224. Remember if you turn up you go into the $250 Quirt Revolution Prize draw. Meet at the Totara tree at 1pm.

Jonathan and Bronwyn have given us permission to tidy up the brake bump section of the Project above to the road. This work we’ll do with a digger at some stage over the winter. There is a section of the Pack Track just after the entry  that needs attention with a digger also. This we’ll do sometime in the spring when track conditions are dry.

June 7

Rameka Enduro