Bike week ride at Project Rameka

Kids and their carers are invited to a mountain bike ride at Project Rameka on Sunday 14th Feb, meet 10am by the big totara tree at the start of the Rameka Creek gorge to sort transport up to the Project. Those who are capable of biking up the road are encouraged to do so; otherwise, car-pooling will reduce the number of vehicles driving up.

The ride is probably more suitable to kids 10yrs and older, but younger kids have ridden it - at the official opening of Great Expectations in November, one 6yr old boy did the circuit twice (with dad running along behind) and a 10yr old did it 4 times! Wednesday working bees have improved the track even more since then.

All kids must have an adult carer with them (e.g. a parent) who is responsible for safety and behaviour. Riders/walkers/runners use the track at their own risk. There are some quite steep drop-offs at the side of the track in places so care is needed. The track itself is suitable for most riders and has been well-used by many people over the summer. Time for more locals to enjoy it as well!

BBQ to follow, sponsored by Nikki Ryan. More info available from The Quiet Revolution.



Track building - Rameka project