Track building - Rameka project

Work has started on the lower part of 'Great Expectations', one of the tracks currently in progress as part of the Rameka Project. The picture above shows the point at which 'Great Expectations' will meet the technical Downhill track 'The Odyssey' (on the right of pink tape)

There are now two, weekly working bees, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 5pm, with the Tuesday spot now focussing on the lower part of the project. As you can see from the photo some of the track is through dense bush and there is still an imense amount of work required to finish and maintain these tracks, all members and non members are welcome to contribute to these evenings as well as any other spare time, no experience of track building is required, but long trousers, long sleeves and gloves are reccommended!


Bike week ride at Project Rameka


Rameka Track counter